TENATIVE: Schedule for Saturday & Sunday – August 11-12, 2018
NOTE: For attendees, it would be wise to print off this info
8:30 ME/MW Player Check-in
9:15-9:30 Both teams: Player Meeting in RF Bleachers
9:30-9:50 Both teams: Individual & team pictures (RF bleachers)
9:50-10:00 Both teams: 60-yard dash warm-up
10:00-10:10 60’s
10:20-10:42 MW Batting Practice
10:43-11:05 ME Batting Practice
11:10-11:18 MW INF/OF
11:18-11:26 ME INF/OF
11:30 Mideast vs Midwest* (7-inning game)
12:00 SW/SE Player Check-in
1:00-1:20 Both teams: Player Meeting in RF Bleachers or Bottom of 5th
1:20-1:50 Both teams: Individual & team pictures (RF bleachers)
1:50-2:00 Both teams: 60-yard dash warm-up
2:00-2:10 60’s
2:20-2:42 SW Batting Practice on field
2:43-3:05 SE Batting Practice on field
3:10-3:18 SW INF/OF
3:18-3:26 SE INF/OF
3:30 Southeast vs Southwest* (7-inning game)
4:00 NW/NE Player Check-in
5:00-5:20 Both teams: Player Meeting in RF Bleachers or Bottom of 5th
5:20-5:50 Both teams: Individual & team pictures (RF bleachers)
5:50-6:00 Both teams: 60-yard dash warm-up
6:00-6:10 60’s
6:20-6:42 NW Batting Practice on field
6:43-6:55 NE Batting Practice on field
7:10-7:18 NW INF/OF
7:18-7:26 NE INF/OF
7:30 Northeast vs Northwest* (7-inning game)
8:00-8:45 MW/SW BP in cages
9:00 Midwest vs Southwest* (9-inning game), Post-Game Ceremony
10:00-11:00 SE/NW BP in cages
11:45 Southeast vs Northwest* (9-inning game), Post-game Ceremony
12:00-1:00 NE/ME BP in cages
2:30 Northeast vs Mideast* (9-inning game), Post-game Ceremony
Key: SW-Southwest, SE-Southeast, MW-Midwest, ME-Mideast, SW-Southwest, SE-Southeast
*Denotes Home Team; 1B Dugout-Home Team, 3B Dugout-Visiting Team.
***NOTE: FYI, If game/session ends quickly, the next contest will begin ahead of schedule.
–Mercy Rule: There is not one.
-In the event of inclement weather, a game is considered official after 6 innings on Saturday, 8 innings on Sunday.
Player/Parent Notes
-Players are responsible for bringing baseball pants, HS hat, helmet, indoor shoes and any other equipment that you may need. DP will provide your jersey.
–This is a BBCOR event. Players are encouraged to bring their own BBCOR bats.
-Wood bats will not be required in games but can be used Saturday in batting practice on the field if chosen for your round of BP. Please bring your own lumber.
-The registration tables will be stationed on the concourse directly behind homeplate at Gate 4.
-Overflow parking will be available to players and parents in the centerfield lot. Please park there and enter through Gate 4 behind homeplate, FYI it is a 0.2 mile walk. Limited and handicap parking does exist beside the stadium on the 1B/RF side.
-No spikes are allowed in the cages or in the stadium, only on the field. No sunflower seeds in the cages.
-Concessions will be available courtesy of Lexington HS.
-DP apparel will be available all weekend.
Admission: $15 Event Pass, $10 Day Pass; Ages 10 and under are FREE
Hotel info: We have secured a reduced rate at a Columbia hotel, be sure to mention Diamond Prospects for the aforementioned discount.
Sleep Inn – 803.731.9999, $69.99 + tax
For more info and directions to this Sleep Inn, click here.
Directions: To Founders Park-Carolina Stadium, 431 Williams St, Columbia 29208. For Stadium info, click here.
-Please be familiar with the schedule and be on time, or early, when your team is scheduled for activity. You are free to leave after your games. If games end early and allow us to move ahead of schedule, please understand that we will quickly roll into the next phase of the schedule.
Tournament Info
-Palmetto Games champion will be based on the following info/tie-breakers:
1. Overall Record (1 point for a win, .5 points for a tie, 0 points for a loss)
2. Head-to-Head
3. Run Differential
4. Runs Allowed
5. Runs Scored
6. Coin Flip
-If game is tied after 8 innings on Saturday, one additional extra inning will be played. Each game will feature eight complete innings, even if the winning team hits last. No extra innings on Sunday.
-No inning will feature more than 7 hitters. If 7 hitter rule is envoked, one run will be added for each remaining out, ie 0 outs=3 runs, 1 out=2 runs, 2 outs=1 run.
*Most Important Thing: Please stay tuned to TheDiamondProspects.com in the days leading up to the event for any announcements/last second adjustments. Also, in the case of inclement weather during the event, the DP website will be our way of communicating with you along with Twitter @diamondprospect