-South Atlantic Border Battle-
September 24-25, 2016
North Main Athletic Complex – Holly Springs, NC – Directions
Player/Parent Notes
Mets (SC 17’s): Report Time is 7:20 AM down the LF line. Jerseys & hats provided by the Mets. Players bring/wear black belts/socks and grey pants on Saturday, white pants on Sunday.
Marlins (SC 18’s): Report Time is 3:00 PM down the LF line. Jerseys and hats provided by Marlins. Players bring/wear black socks and black belt, plus bring/wear grey pants for both days.
-Players are responsible for bringing helmet, spikes, indoor shoes and any other equipment that you may need.
–This is a wood bat event. Please bring your own lumber.
-No spikes are allowed in the cages or in the stadium, only on the field. No sunflower seeds in the cages.
-Concessions will be available courtesy North Main Athletic Complex.
Admission: $20 Tournament Pass, Ages 12 and under are FREE.
-Please be familiar with the schedule and be on time, or early, when your team is scheduled for activity. You are free to leave after your games. If games end early and allow us to move ahead of schedule, please understand that we will quickly roll into the next phase of the schedule.
Discounted Hotel Info: Click here
Most Important Thing: Please stay tuned to Diamond Prospects and South Atlantic Border Battle in the days leading up to the event for any announcements/last second adjustments.