9:00 AM Session 1 Check-in at Carolina Stadium (Pick-up jersey)
9:40 Session 1 players report to the field for a meeting and stretching
10:00-10:25 Northwest (Orange) Batting Practice
10:25-10:50 Southeast (Gold) Batting Practice
10:55-11:05 Northwest Infield/Outfield
11:05-11:15 Southeast Infield/Outfield
11:20 Pre-game introductions
11:30 Northwest vs Southeast* (7-inning game)
11:30 Session 2 Check-in at Carolina Stadium (Pick-up jersey)
1:40 Session 2 players report to the field for a meeting and stretching
2:00-2:25 Mideast (Blue) Batting Practice
2:25-2:50 Southwest (Green) Batting Practice
2:55-3:05 Mideast Infield/Outfield
3:05-3:15 Southwest Infield/Outfield
3:20 Pre-game introductions
3:30 Mideast vs Southwest* (7-inning game) WILL RESUME AT 6:00PM
Session 3 BP in cages at 5:00
4:30 Session 3 Check-in at Carolina Stadium (Pick-up jersey)
5:40 Session 3 players report to the field for a meeting and stretching
6:00-6:25 Northeast (Red) Batting Practice
6:25-6:50 Midwest (White) Batting Practice
6:55-7:05 Northeast Infield/Outfield
7:05-7:15 Midwest Infield/Outfield
7:20 Pre-game introductions
7:30 Northeast vs Midwest* (7-inning game)