Tentative Schedule for January 28, 2007
10:00 AM Check-in at Heathwood Hall
10:45 All players report to the playing field
11:00 Event Begins
4:00 PM Event Ends (time approximate depending on number of participants)
4:00 Recruiting Seminar (45 minutes)
*Note-Lunch will be provided for players. A concession stand will be available throughout the day.
Diamond Prospects Hit, Run & Throw Application
Please PRINT the following form neatly. Detach this section and mail back with payment to:
Diamond Prospects : PO Box 1262 : Conway, SC 29528
Stay tuned to TheDiamondProspects.com in the days leading up to the event for hotel information, directions, rosters, last second announcements, etc.
Name ____________________________________ High School ___________________________ Grad Year _________
Address ___________________________________ City __________________________ State ______ Zip __________
Home # _______________________ Cell # ______________________ Email _________________________________
DOB __________________ Fall/Summer team ___________________________________________________________
Events you wish to enter: 1) ____________________ 2) _______________________ 3) _________________________
4) _______________________ Team event? Yes or No________________ *HS Uniform #________________
DP Members Only: User name______________________________ (Please subtract $5.00 from your event tuition)
*If you do not know your uniform number, leave that line blank.
Medical Waiver: I waive and release Diamond Prospects, its staff and/or Heathwood Hall officials from any injury that may occur during the camp to the above-mentioned camper, on site or involving travel to and from the event. I also take responsibility for any expenses that incur during the camp due to necessary treatment of injury. I also give permission for emergency treatment if needed. I understand by signing this waiver, I give consent to participation in the event and assume all risk arising from it.
Parent/Guardian Signature: _________________________________ Date ______________
Recruiting 101:
If you wish to attend the Recruiting Seminar, please check the corresponding box below.
_____ Yes, I would like to attend the Recruiting Seminar. In my family, _____ person(s) will attend. Please include an additional $25 to your event tuition. Be sure to pick up a seminar ticket at the check-in table.
Signee Fee: $30 * Non-signee Fee: $40 * Registration Deadline: January 24, 2007
Please make checks payable to Diamond Prospects
Note: DP Members receive a $5 discount. Players who are one of eight from the same high school receive a $10 discount-Please mail your applications in together.
Due to insurance, site fees and other expenses involved that are paid-in-full prior to the showcase, this event is NON-refundable. In the event of inclement weather, we will move the event to February 11. Note: Event application and tuition must be received, not post-marked, by the posted deadline.
Total amount enclosed: $_______________
Diamond Prospects PO Box 1262 Conway, SC 29528