Saturday, November 2, 2024 / River Bluff High School
NEW Rosters
8:15 Player Check-In at River Bluff HS entrance by football field
9:00 All Players/Parents (not mandatory but recommended): Recruiting 101 with Stuart Lake (Baseball Bleachers)
9:40 Players report to CF for meeting & stretch
10:00-11:45 Grey, Gold, Black, White: Workout (60’s, Defense, BP, Bullpens)
11:45-12:00 Lunch
Noon Game 1: Black vs White* (7+ inning game)
2:30 Game 2: Grey vs Gold* (7+ inning game)
*Denotes 3B dugout
Note: Catchers will be allowed to play in both games
FYI, If we are ahead of schedule we will move into the next game immediately.
Player Notes
-Players are responsible for bringing baseball pants, HS hat, bat, glove, helmet, indoor shoes and any other equipment you may need. DP will provide your jersey.
-Game Rules: 4 hitters = 1 inning
-Parents: Once games begin, please vacate the area behind home plate for coaches and scouts to evaluate.
-The registration tables will be stationed next to football stadium and beyond the RF corner. Players are to put equipment in 1B bullpen, wear turfs/running shoes, then report to CF at assigned time to meet and run 60 in spikes. (Can hit in cages prior to Recruiting 101 – NO SPIKES OR SEEDS IN CAGE AREA)
-Please be familiar with the schedule and be on time (or early) when your team is scheduled for activity. You are free to leave after your games, batting cages are available before activity begins. Please clean up after yourself.
-At 9:00 AM on Saturday, Stuart Lake (26 years of Division I coaching experience, half in the SEC) will conduct a Recruiting 101 seminar for players and parents. He will touch on topics ranging from promotion of self, selecting a college home, financial aid, the NCAA Clearinghouse to the MLB Draft, PLUS explain many of the new rules in college baseball.
-Concessions WILL NOT be available. Players ARE allowed to bring coolers with drinks.
-DP apparel will be available Saturday morning.
Hotel info: We have secured a reduced rate at a Columbia hotel, be sure to mention Diamond Prospects for the discount.
Sleep Inn – 803.731.9999 $69.99:
Directions to River Bluff: 320 Corley Mill Rd, Lexington / There are three entrances to the HS, athletic parking lot the second entrance from either direction.
*Please stay tuned to in the days leading up to the event for any last second announcements. Also, in the case of inclement weather during the event, the DP website & Twitter (@diamondprospect) will be our way of communicating with you.