DP Events

In 2025, Diamond Prospects will host five events again. On February 2, the new year will crank up at River Bluff as we conduct our 19th Annual Pro Day, kicking off the new baseball season just before spring practice begins! This summer DP will host an ‘open showcase‘ for 2025-2027 graduates in June at River Bluff High School, and the 18th Annual ‘invite-only’ Palmetto Games will return in August. We will also have an Un-signed senior and Underclassman ‘open showcase’ on the first weekend in November. We will duplicate all of these events in 2026. General FYI: Eightteen years ago, Diamond Prospects introduced the Palmetto Games to the state of South Carolina. Over 100 of the top players participate each year and 100+ college coaches/pro scouts are typically in attendance each August… Also, all but two of 229 SC prep players that were selected in the 2007-2024 Major League Draft had previously participated in a DP event. To view a listing of drafted/signed players that have attended a DP event, click here. DP Showcases are just one more way to expose South Carolina’s top talent to decision-makers beyond high school! Below you’ll find up-to-date information regarding 2025 events: Date(s) Event Graduates Location Invite App Hotel Directions Feb 2 Pro Day 2025-2027 River Bluff HS Invite-Only Print Print Print June 10-11 Summer Showcase 2026-2029 River Bluff HS Open TBA Print Print Aug 9-10 Palmetto Games 2026-2028 TBA Invite-Only TBA TBA Print Sept TBA SA Border Battle 2026-2029 High Point, NC Invite-Only TBA TBA Print Nov TBA Fall Showcase 2026-2029 River Bluff HS Open TBA Print Print

Border Battle: Schedule & Player Notes

2014 South Atlantic Border Battle NC State: Directions SC Rosters **Note: Time Change on Saturday night Saturday, November 1 Game 1 9:00 am                  Red Sox BP 9:20 am                  Mets BP 9:40 am                  Red Sox Inf/OF 9:50 am                  Mets Inf/OF 10:00 am               Red Sox vs Mets (SC 15’s) 12:15pm                Red Sox, Mets, Braves, Rangers 60’s Game 2 12:30pm                Braves BP 12:50pm                Rangers BP 1:10pm                  Braves Inf 1:20pm                  Rangers Inf 1:30pm                  Braves vs Rangers Game 3 4:00 pm                 Cardinals BP 4:20 pm                 Diamondbacks BP 4:40 pm                 Cardinals Inf/OF 4:50 pm                 Diamondbacks Inf/OF 5:00 pm                 Cardinals vs Diamondbacks (SC 16’s) 7:15 pm                 Cardinals, Diamondbacks, Yankees, Royals 60’s Game 4 7:30 pm                 Royals BP 7:50 pm                 Yankees BP 8:10 pm                 Royals Inf 8:20 pm                 Yankees Inf 8:30  pm                Royals vs Rays      Sunday, November 2 Game 1                                                          7:50 am                Rangers Cage BP                            8:20 am                Mets Cage BP                             8:40 am                Rangers Inf/OF                                       8:50 am                Mets Inf/OF                                        9:00 am                Rangers vs Mets (SC 15’s)                                  Game 2                                                                   10:00 am              Cardinals Cage BP                              10:30 am              Royals Cage BP                                   11:00 am              Cardinals Inf                                             11:10 am              Royals Inf                                                   11:30 am             Cardinals vs Royals                                    Game 3 12:30 pm              Braves Cage BP 1:00 pm                Red Sox Cage BP 1:30 pm                Braves Inf 1:40 pm                Red Sox Inf 2:00 pm               Braves vs Red Sox Game 4 3:00 pm              Yankees Cage BP 3:30 pm              Diamondbacks Cage BP 4:00 pm              Yankees Inf/OF 4:10 pm              Diamondbacks Inf/OF 4:30 pm              Yankees vs Diamondbacks (SC 16’s) Player/Parent Notes Diamondbacks (SC 16’s): Report Time is 1:30 PM on concourse down the 3B line. Jerseys and hats provided by D-backs. Players bring/wear black socks and black belt, plus bring/wear white pants on Saturday, grey pants on Sunday. Mets (SC 15’s): Report Time is 8:00 AM in bleachers below the 1B concourse. Jerseys, hats, belts and socks provided by Mets. Players bring/wear white pants on Saturday, grey pants on Sunday. -Players are responsible for bringing helmet, spikes, indoor shoes and any other equipment that you may need. –This is a wood bat event. Please bring your own lumber. -No spikes are allowed in the cages or in the stadium, only on the field. No sunflower seeds in the cages.  -Concessions will be available courtesy NC State. Admission: $20 Tournament Pass, Ages 12 and under are FREE. -Please be familiar with the schedule and be on time, or early, when your team is scheduled for activity. You are free to leave after your games. If games end early and allow us to move ahead of schedule, please understand that we will quickly roll into the next phase of the schedule. Hotels: Click here Most Important Thing: Please stay tuned to Diamond Prospects and South Atlantic Border Battle in the days leading up to the event for any announcements/last second adjustments.

Summer Showcase: Schedule & Player Notes

Schedule for Wednesday & Thursday, June 11-12, 2014 Wednesday 8:00 AM    Session I Check-in at AC Flora HS (Pick-up jersey) 8:40         Session I Players report to RF for a meeting and stretch 9:00         Session I Workout (60’s, Defensive workout, BP, Bullpens) 11:30        Session II Check-in at AC Flora HS (Pick-up jersey) 12:00 PM   Recruiting 101 Seminar with Tim Perry  12:40        Session II players report to field for a meeting and stretch 1:00          Session II Workout (60’s, Defensive workout, BP, Bullpens) 4:00          White vs Green (10+ inning game) Day 1 Session 1 – Blue, Grey, Orange, Gold Session 2 – White, Green, Black, Red  – Rosters – Thursday – Still on time 9:00          Blue vs Grey (10+ inning game) 12:00        Orange vs Gold (10+ inning game) 3:00          Red vs Black (10+ inning game) *Once each day begins, all times are approximate, if we are ahead of schedule we will move into the next session/game immediately. Player Notes: -Players are responsible for bringing baseball pants, HS hat, BBCOR bat, glove, helmet, indoor shoes and any other equipment you may need. DP will provide your jersey. -Game Rules: 4 hitters = 1 inning -Zero Pitchers will throw more than 2 innings or to more than 8 hitters, Most with throw 1 inning only. -Parents: Once games begin, please vacate the area behind home plate for coaches and scouts to evaluate. -On Wednesday, the registration tables will be stationed by the RF indoor facility at the entrance closest to the parking lot. -Please be familiar with the schedule and be on time (or early) when your team is scheduled for activity. You are free to leave after your games. -On Wednesday, Tim Perry will conduct a Recruiting 101 seminar for players and parents. He will touch on topics ranging from how a player sells himself, selecting a college, financial aid, the NCAA Clearinghouse to the MLB Draft. If you have not pre-registered for this seminar already, you may pay cash when you check-in, the cost is $25 per family. Note: The siminar will be held in the AC Flora indoor facility, we ask that you bring your own chairs to sit in the air-conditioned unit. -Concessions will be available each day, courtesy of AC Flora HS. FYI, Falcon burgers rank as DP’s Top 1 or 2 statewide… we should know! –Hydration: It will be hot! Players are encouraged to drink plenty of water before performing. The concession stand will have Gatorade and water. -DP apparel will be available on Day 1 only. -60 times, Pop times, MPH’s and our DP player awards will be posted on our website in the days following the event for subscribers. Hotel info: We have secured a reduced rate at a Columbia hotel, be sure to mention Diamond Prospects for the discount. Sleep Inn – 803.731.9999 $69.99: http://www.sleepinncolumbia.com/ Directions to AC Flora HS: click here Please stay turned to TheDiamondProspects.com in the days leading up to the event for any last second announcements. Also, in the case of inclement weather during the event, the DP website and Twitter (@diamondprospect) will be our way of communicating with you.

MLB Inner City Workout

                                                                                    MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL   “INNER CITY” TRYOUT CAMP     WHEN: Monday, June 16, 2014. Registration 9:00-9:45am at the field. Tool evaluation (Run, Throw, Field, Hit, Pitch) begins at 10:00am and typically concludes early-to-mid afternoon. No game will be played. There is no charge for the camp.       WHERE: USA Baseball National Training Complex, 200 Brooks Park Lane, Cary, N.C., 27519. Field #4.       WHO: High school age students who either attend inner city schools or are “inner city” youth.       EQUIPMENT NEEDED: Participants will need to wear suitable footwear and bring a baseball glove. Baseballs, wood bats, batting helmets and a set of catcher’s gear will be on hand for camp use.       IN ORDER TO PARTICIPATE: Campers will NOT be allowed to participate without a properly completed MLB Waiver & Release Form. This form will be available at the camp registration desk the day of the event, or you may bring your properly completed waiver with you. If you won’t be at least 18 years old on the day of the event, your parent or legal guardian must sign the waiver in order for you to participate. You may request a waiver in advance from Gary Randall – [email protected] and one will be e-mailed to you. Please be sure to bring that completed waiver with you to the camp.       CONTACT PERSON: Should you have any questions, contact Gary Randall – [email protected]. If weather is an issue the day of the event, text or call 803-984-2927.  

DP Event Alumni: Drafted & Signed Players

DP Note: We don’t create the player, only the platform for them… Below are the drafted prospects that have attended past DP events since 2006… 2006-2024 Name High School Commit/College Position Organization *Jordyn Adams++ Blythewood North Carolina OF Angels Josh Adams Midland Valley Sptg Methodist RHP Braves Davis Agle Byrnes Sptg Methodist RHP Phillies *Billy Amick+ P27 Academy Clemson 3B Twins *Ryan Ammons Wren Clemson LHP Red Sox *Cade Austin Chapin South Carolina RHP Yankees *Trent Autry Chester Flo-Dar Tech RHP Diamondbacks *DeAndre Asbury-Heath Brookland-Cayce Flo-Dar Tech  OF  Red Sox *Charlie Barnes+ Sumter Clemson LHP Twins *Andrew Beckwith Blythewood Coastal Carolina RHP Royals *Derek Bender+ St. James Coastal Carolina C Twins *Hamilton Bennett Fort Mill Winthrop/TnWC LHP Mets *Taylor Black Easley CSU/SMC/Kentucky SS Cardinals/Phillies *Akeem Bostick+ West Florence Sptg Methodist RHP Rangers *Garrett Boulware TL Hanna Clemson C Padres/Reds Dylan Brewer Latta Clemson OF Giants Kep Brown+ Wando Miami (FL)/SMC OF Cardinals *Gaither Bumgardner Great Falls USC Upstate RHP Mets Travis Burnside Laurens Sptg Methodist OF Dodgers x 2 *Bruce Caldwell Sumter Sptg Methodist INF Cardinals *Jamie Callahan+ Dillon South Carolina RHP Red Sox *Will Callaway Eastside Appalachian St. 2B Giants *Luis Campusano+ Cross Creek (GA) South Carolina C Padres *Ben Carlson Mauldin SMC/Furman RHP Angels *Blair Carson Westside Anderson RHP Reds Shon Carson Lake City South Carolina OF Reds Tyler Causey Nation Ford North Carolina INF Marlins Brison Celek Bishop England South Carolina 1B Blue Jays Logan Chapman Easley South Carolina RHP Reds *Ridge Chapman Wade Hampton SMC/USC RHP Red Sox/Nationals/Angels *Drew Cisco+ Wando Georgia RHP Reds *Nick Ciuffo++ Wando/Lexington South Carolina C Rays *Hunter Cole Dorman Georgia OF Nationals/Giants *Jacob Condra Woodruff Wofford/Ga. Southern RHP Blue Jays *Gene Cone+ Spring Valley South Carolina OF Mets *Ryan Connolly Bishop England Coastal Carolina RHP Astros *Magdiel Cotto Nation Ford USC/Kentucky LHP Pirates *Alex Cunningham+ Byrnes Coastal Carolina RHP Tigers/Padres *Kyle Deese Chapman Western Carolina RHP Cardinals Stefan del Pino Dorman Coastal Carolina LHP Reds David Donald JL Mann Sptg Methodist OF Astros Will Dorton Lugoff-Elgin Coll of Charleston RHP Reds *Steven Duggar+ Byrnes Clemson OF Giants *Kaleb Earls Blacksburg Limestone RHP Brewers *CJ Edwards Mid-Carolina Charleston So. RHP Rangers *Tanner English St. James South Carolina OF Rays/Twins *Alex Eubanks Byrnes Clemson RHP Rangers *John Michael Faile Boiling Springs North Greenville C Reds Tripp Faulk N. Myrtle Beach Wingate OF Braves *Andrew Faulkner South Aiken South Carolina LHP Rangers *Ian Foggo Hilton Head Citadel/CSU RHP Astros *Danny Flatt P27 Academy Lipscomb RHP Yankees *Tucker Frawley+ Lexington Coastal Carolina C Blue Jays *Patrick Frick JL Mann Wake Forest SS Mariners *Tomas Frick JL Mann North Carolina C Yankees *Zac Fuesser York Walters St. (TN) LHP Braves/Pirates *Garrett Gainey Hartsville Winthrop/USC LHP Rays *Marty Gantt+ North Augusta SMC/C of C OF Rays *Geoffery Gilbert Bishop England Clemson LHP Yankees *Zack Godley+ Bamberg-Ehrhardt SMC/Tennessee RHP Mets/Cubs *Ryan Gold Carolina Forest Coastal Carolina C Blue Jays *Austin Gordon+ Myrtle Beach Clemson RHP Angels *Jordan Gore Conway Coastal Carolina SS Twins *Daniel Gossett+ Byrnes Clemson RHP Red Sox/Athletics Connor Grant Blythewood CofC/N. Greenville OF Marlins *Mavis Graves+ Eastside Clemson LHP Phillies *Brody Greer Belton-Honea Path USC-Upstate RHP Diamondbacks *Grayson Greiner+ Blythewood South Carolina C Tigers *Caden Grice+ Riverside Clemson LHP/1B Diamondbacks Keon Graves Dillon SMC/FMU 3B Dodgers *Owen Griffith South Aiken Clemson RHP Twins *Taylor Grover+ Midland Valley USC-Aiken RHP Red Sox *Taylor Guerrieri++ N. Augusta/Spring Valley South Carolina RHP Rays *Ryan Gunther Stratford SMC/CSU RHP Braves *Brooks Hall+ TL Hanna South Carolina RHP Brewers *Chris Hanna Stratford Citadel LHP Rangers *Brian Harrison Hilton Head Furman INF Pirates/Mets Dupree Hart Northwestern Coll of Charleston 2B Nationals *David Haselden Spartanburg Clemson RHP White Sox *Clay Helvey Fort Mill Tampa RHP Giants *Gunnar Heidt St. James Coll of Charleston RHP Blue Jays *Brandon Henderson Chesnee Gardner-Webb LHP Rays *Ben Henry Loris South Carolina RHP Rangers *Adam Hill+ TL Hanna South Carolina RHP Padres/Mets Bryce Hines Hanahan Citadel RHP Nationals *Krishawn Holley Mid-Carolina Newberry RHP Astros *Colby Holmes Conway South Carolina RHP Braves *Grant Holmes++ Conway Florida RHP Dodgers *Brody Hopkins Summerville Winthrop RHP Mariners *TJ Hopkins+ Summerville South Carolina OF Reds Dylan Howard+ JL Mann Radford RHP Astros *Skylar Hunter Hanahan Citadel RHP Phillies *BJ Hyatt+ Wade Hampton USC Sumter RHP Astros *Cooper Ingle AC Reynolds (NC) Clemson C Indians *Xavier Issac++ East Forsyth (NC) Florida 1B Rays *Bobby Ison Stratford Charleston So. OF Indians *Joe Jackson+ Mauldin Citadel C Royals/Rangers *Bud Jeter Dreher Presbyterian RHP Diamondbacks *Nick Jobst Lexington Flo-Dar Tech/USC-Aiken RHP Orioles *Bryar Johnson Carolina Forest Coastal Carolina RHP Royals *Bradley Jones Travelers Rest Coll of Charleston 3B Blue Jays *Thomas Jones+ Laurens Vanderbilt OF Marlins Erich Knab Carolina Forest Sptg Methodist RHP Twins Forrest Koumas Lugoff-Elgin South Carolina RHP Rangers *Tyler Lancaster Dutch Fork Sptg Methodist C Cardinals *Seth Lancaster+ Hanahan Coastal Carolina SS Phillies Brendan Lawson P27 Academy Florida SS Cardinals *Graham Lawson Woodruff SMC/USC RHP Nationals DJ Layton+ Charlotte Christian So. Mississippi SS Orioles *Daniel Lloyd Summerville South Carolina RHP Orioles *Jordan Lyles++ Hartsville South Carolina RHP Astros *Austin Mason Eastside Citadel RHP Diamondbacks *Kyle Martin+ Wade Hampton South Carolina 1B Angels/Phillies *Adam Matthews White Knoll South Carolina OF Indians/Orioles/Reds Garrett McDaniels Pee Dee Coastal Carolina LHP Marlins Ryan McPhail Dutch Fork Sptg Methodist C Tigers *David Mershon Eastside Mississippi St. SS Angels *Carson Messina Summerville South Carolina RHP Blue Jays *Cole Messina+ Summerville South Carolina C Rockies *Jarett Miller Easley USC-L/UNC-Greensboro RHP Braves *Carmen Mlodzinski++ Hilton Head South Carolina RHP Pirates *Jordan Montgomery+ Sumter South Carolina LHP Yankees Joseph Moorefield Byrnes Clemson LHP Royals *PJ Morlando++ Summerville South Carolina OF Marlins *Mike Morrison Gilbert Coastal Carolina RHP White Sox *Steven Neff Lancaster South Carolina LHP Pirates/Royals/Giants *Brett Netzer+ Ft. Mill UNC-Charlotte 2B Red Sox *Ramon Osuna Mauldin Walters St. CC 1B Braves LA Owens Dillon Flo-Dar Tech RHP Pirates *Chris Owings++ Gilbert South Carolina SS Diamondbacks *Connor Owings Gilbert Coastal Carolina OF Diamondbacks *Kyle Owings Gilbert SMC/CofC RHP Diamondbacks *Daniel Palka+ Greer Georgia Tech 1B Phillies/D’Backs *Emilio Pagan+ JL Mann Belmont Abbey …

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