DP Events
In 2025, Diamond Prospects will host five events again. On February 2, the new year will crank up at River Bluff as we conduct our 19th Annual Pro Day, kicking off the new baseball season just before spring practice begins! This summer DP will host an ‘open showcase‘ for 2025-2027 graduates in June at River Bluff High School, and the 18th Annual ‘invite-only’ Palmetto Games will return in August. We will also have an Un-signed senior and Underclassman ‘open showcase’ on the first weekend in November. We will duplicate all of these events in 2026. General FYI: Eightteen years ago, Diamond Prospects introduced the Palmetto Games to the state of South Carolina. Over 100 of the top players participate each year and 100+ college coaches/pro scouts are typically in attendance each August… Also, all but two of 229 SC prep players that were selected in the 2007-2024 Major League Draft had previously participated in a DP event. To view a listing of drafted/signed players that have attended a DP event, click here. DP Showcases are just one more way to expose South Carolina’s top talent to decision-makers beyond high school! Below you’ll find up-to-date information regarding 2025 events: Date(s) Event Graduates Location Invite App Hotel Directions Feb 2 Pro Day 2025-2027 River Bluff HS Invite-Only Print Print Print June 10-11 Summer Showcase 2026-2029 River Bluff HS Open TBA Print Print Aug 9-10 Palmetto Games 2026-2028 TBA Invite-Only TBA TBA Print Sept TBA SA Border Battle 2026-2029 High Point, NC Invite-Only TBA TBA Print Nov TBA Fall Showcase 2026-2029 River Bluff HS Open TBA Print Print