Top Uncommitted Seniors

Pitchers  Rank  Name  High School  Throws  Committed  1  Robert Gray  Carolina Forest  Left  Liberty  2  Dylan Rodgers  Union  Right    3  Stephen McKnight  Easley  Left    4  Taylor Vetzel  JL Mann  Right  Sptg … The new DP website is here. For all the great DP content, subscribe. If you have any login/subscription issues, please contact our support team. Your feedback on the new experience is appreciated as well. Username Password Remember Me     Forgot Password

Early Signing Period: Class of 2012

-Diamond Rankings: Class of 2012-  Right-Handed Pitchers  Rank Name High School Committed  1  Jamie Callahan  Dillon  South Carolina  2  Erich Knab  Carolina Forest  Sptg Methodist  3  Wales Toney  TL Hanna  Clemson  4  Nathan Helvey &nbsp… The new DP website is here. For all the great DP content, subscribe. If you have any login/subscription issues, please contact our support team. Your feedback on the new experience is appreciated as well.

Final Player Rankings: Class of 2011

-Diamond Rankings: 2011 Graduates-  Right-Handed Pitchers  Rank  Name  High School  Committed  1  *Taylor Guerrieri  Spring Valley  South Carolina  2  *Daniel Gossett  Byrnes  Clemson  3  Patrick Andrews  Hilton Head Prep  Clemson  4  *Will D… The new DP website is here. For all the great DP content, subscribe. If you have any login/subscription issues, please contact our support team. Your feedback on the new experience is appreciated as well.

Summer Player Rankings: Class of 2012

-Diamond Rankings: Class of 2012-  Right-Handed Pitchers  Rank Name High School Committed  1  Jamie Callahan Dillon South Carolina  2  Wales Toney TL Hanna Clemson  3  Erich Knab  Carolina Forest  Sptg Methodist  4  Tyler Jackson  Wren  South C… The new DP website is here. For all the great DP content, subscribe. If you have any login/subscription issues, please contact our support team. Your feedback on the new experience is appreciated as well.

Summer Player Rankings: Class of 2013

-Diamond Rankings: Class of 2013- Right-Handed Pitchers Rank Name High School Committed  1  Tripp Rollings  Andrew Jackson  –  2  Tucker Burgess Easley  Clemson  3  Akeem Bostick  West Florence  –  4  Taylor Widener  South Aiken  South Caroli… The new DP website is here. For all the great DP content, subscribe. If you have any login/subscription issues, please contact our support team. Your feedback on the new experience is appreciated as well.

Summer Player Rankings: Class of 2014

– Diamond Rankings: Class of 2014 – Right-Handed Pitchers  Rank  Name  High School  1  Grant Holmes  Conway  2  Tanner Adair  Laurens  3  Blake Peterson  Spartanburg  4  Michael Rochester  BHP  5  Steven Calcutt  South Florence  6  R… The new DP website is here. For all the great DP content, subscribe. If you have any login/subscription issues, please contact our support team. Your feedback on the new experience is appreciated as well.

Pre-Season Player Rankings: Class of 2012

-Diamond Rankings: Class of 2012-  Right-Handed Pitchers Rank Name High School Committed  1 Jamie Callahan Dillon South Carolina  2 Wales Toney TL Hanna Clemson  3 Brandon Hester Stratford South Carolina  4  Michael Wright Gaffney  –  5 Austin Livingston Ashley Ridge Cita… The new DP website is here. For all the great DP content, subscribe. If you have any login/subscription issues, please contact our support team. Your feedback on the new experience is appreciated as well.

Pre-Season Player Rankings: Class of 2013

-Diamond Rankings: Class of 2013- Right-Handed Pitchers Rank Name High School Committed  1 Tucker Burgess Easley Clemson  2 Tripp Rollings Andrew Jackson  –  3 Akeem Bostick  West Florence  –  4 Zack Hamilton Blythewood  –  5 Matt Quarles Emerald  –  … The new DP website is here. For all the great DP content, subscribe. If you have any login/subscription issues, please contact our support team. Your feedback on the new experience is appreciated as well.

Pre-Season Player Rankings: Class of 2014

– Diamond Rankings: Class of 2014 – Right-Handed Pitchers  Rank  Name  High School  1  Grant Holmes  Conway  2  Tanner Adair  Laurens  3  Blake Peterson  Spartanburg  4  Ryan Stamler  St. Joseph’s  5  Mason Edwards  Mauldin  6  C… The new DP website is here. For all the great DP content, subscribe. If you have any login/subscription issues, please contact our support team. Your feedback on the new experience is appreciated as well.

South Carolina’s Best Tools: Class of 2011

-Position Players-  {seyretpic id=27 align=left}Best Pure Hitter: RH – Hunter Cole (Dorman), Joey Pankake (Easley), Robbie Streett (White Knoll); LH – Bruce Caldwell (Sumter), {seyretpic id=33 align=right}Best Raw Power: RH – Shon Carson (Lake city), Hunter Cole (Dorman), Grayson Griener (Blythewood), Bo Thompson (JL Mann), Garrett… The new DP website is here. For all the great DP content, subscribe. If you have any login/subscription issues, please contact our support team. Your feedback on the new experience is appreciated as well.