-Diamond Prospects Developmental Fall League-
DP will:
-Post on TheDiamondProspects.com updated standings of the league
-Post on TheDiamondProspects.com team rosters and schedules
-Publish stats of the peak performers at the conclusion of the season
-Handle all scheduling of games, sites and umpires
-Handle payment of jersey tops, sites, umpires and game balls
-Be on hand to cover as much as we can and provide prospect info on TheDiamondProspects.com
Teams will:
-Provide own insurance
-Be responsible for ordering/adding jerseys
-Be responsible for collecting checks and player applications
-Please mail only one team check to Diamond Prospects, PO Box 1262, Conway SC 29528. This check should account for 100% ($250 per player) of your player fees.
-Teams will not be included into the master schedule until all checks/applications are received.
-Provide DP commissioner with two contact names/numbers for your team
-Post final scores on DP Scoreboard
-Send copy of scorebook and/or statistics to your commisoner at the conclusion of September and October
-Provide own equipment (BP balls, helmets, catching gear, etc)
-Chase foul balls on your half of the field
-Pitchers will throw no more than 3 innings per week
-Each team will have a 15 player roster limit
-10 run rule after 5 innings
-If game is tied after 7 innings of play, 1 extra inning will be played
-2 hour 15 minute time limit, no new inning past that point
-Pre-game coin flip between coaches will determine home/visiting team
-Lineups can have up to 11 hitters
-Free substitution, provided it does not compromise the order of the lineup
-Mandatory courtesy runner for catchers with 2 outs
-Teams are allowed 10 minute pre-game INF/OF if your game is the only game that night at a site. Games must begin on time. Poor planning and mis-management of time will not permitted.
Diamond Prospects Fall League Player Application
Please PRINT the following form neatly. Applications are to be turned into your coach/representative, then mail to us at:
Diamond Prospects . PO Box 1262 . Conway, SC 29528
Stay tuned to TheDiamondProspects.com leading up to games last second announcements…
Name ____________________________________ High School ____________________ Grad Year ________________
Address ___________________________________ City __________________________ State ______ Zip _________
Home # _______________________ Cell # ______________________ Email _________________________________
DOB __________________ Fall/Summer team __________________________________________________________
1st position __________ 2nd position ___________ HT ____________ WT ___________ Bats _______ Throws_______
Uniform Number _______________ (to be determined by the coach) T-shirt Size ______________
GPA _________________ SAT (total, math, verbal) __________/__________/__________ ACT _________________
Medical Waiver: I waive and release Diamond Prospects, its staff, my coaches and/or Any Gameday Site officials from any injury that may occur during the camp to the above-mentioned player, on site or involving travel to and from the event. I also take responsibility for any expenses that incur during the events due to necessary treatment of injury. I also give permission for emergency treatment if needed. I understand by signing this waiver, I give consent to participation in the event and assume all risk arising from it.
Parent/Guardian Signature: _________________________________ Date ______________
Due to insurance, jerseys, umpires, site fees and other expenses involved that are paid-in-full prior to the season, this payment is NON-refundable.
Total amount enclosed: $ _________________________