By: Gary Randall – October 25, 2017
The culmination of a 5-game intra-league schedule and a 6th game cross-pairing teams from the National & American Leagues was the Greater Rock Hill All-Star Game. Forty players were tabbed as all-stars after recommendations by their league coach were examined and then paired down to meet positional needs, performance, level of talent, etc. Congrats to all of the all-stars, to the all-star victors from the American League and to the league champion Trojans!
Kudos: In no particular order, there are numerous individuals & groups to which a sincere fist bump is due for their involvement with the league & with the all-star game.
· Austin Alexander (DP Owner), whose passion for baseball & people have woven their way into sponsoring fall high school baseball leagues (for the players!) across the state & working to ensure that these leagues are positive & well-run.
· Player Parents: for making an investment in your son’s athletic & hopefully personal development.
· Players: for having the desire & discipline to both have fun & work at developing your game.
· League & High School Coaches: for coaching these young men in the fall league and/or allowing them to play in the league under an outside coach’s guidance. League coaches include – Mike Partlow, Eddie Tisdale, Stas Swerdzewski, Bradley Rudisill, Kelly Clayton, Darrell Williams, Joey Robinson & Hank Wofford.
· Winthrop U, Head Baseball Coach Tom Riginos & Staff: for allowing the Greater Rock Hill community & league the use of their fine facilities & their collective work in making the all-star event a positive & well-run one.
· Gary Keller & the Catawba Umpires Association: for handling the umpiring duties in the league and the all-star game in a professional manner. There are always going to be a few disagreements on ball/strike, safe/out, fair/foul calls, but his group of men have always been on time, have always looked professional & have always given a legit effort.
All-Star players filed into Winthrop to pick up their all-star jerseys & walked into the stadium & caught a glimpse of the Winthrop Eagles finishing up the batting practice. Both teams then took their own batting practice, a pre-game “in/out,” lined up for the National Anthem, then commenced to play the game.
There were 8 pitchers on each squad who pitched one inning apiece, all position players hit in the extended line-up, players were shuffled in, out & around to various positions.
The American League turned out to be the better team this night outdoing the National League in the areas of hitting & pitching. The score ended up 11-2 American and 9 hits versus 4 hits. It was interesting to see players who have been seen in league play match talents with an upgraded level of opponent & a somewhat quicker game action. I think it was a win for everyone & a good wrap to the sophomore season of the Greater Rock Hill League.
Coming Soon: National League Prospect Info: